Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Great Outdoors

We had a great vacation last month in St. George with Brett's parents! We went on a lot of beautiful hikes and saw some amazing things! We discovered that all of us really enjoy the outdoors and hiking. Kassi really showed her independence on all the hikes. " Mine do it mine self!" So we let her! It slowed us down some but she loved it. Of course we had to help on steep parts and climbing but other than that she held her own!
It was definitely the first of many new experiences for us!
Since then we have gone on a few long walks and hikes around town.
One of which we found a new family member...Myrtle the Turtle! She is an aquatic Red Eared Slider Turtle. We took her in because she really didn't look like she belonged there.
We nursed her back to health, her Eyes were swollen and sealed shut and she was very dehydrated. It took a few weeks to get her to eat and about 3 weeks to get her eyes open but we did it. Now she lives with us and we love her and take very good care of her! Trust me, I am not a pet person but for some reason...I love this turtle! =0)

Landen turned 5...

So our little guy turned 5 last month! ( I know, I am terrible at blogging!)
We had a batman party/superhero party! It was pretty fun! Of course The pinata was the best part....made it myself!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Christmas Time

Kassi turns 2

katsup...and mustard

Okay, here are some fun ones from october...sorry everyone! I am so bad at the blogging!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Okay everyone...Hold on to your hats!  I am updating our blog!!  I know I know It sounds too good to be true but its time!
We have been very busy lately!  Brett took a Rep. Training class at work and scored the highest in the class!  We are very proud!!  Hopefully some day he can use all that knowledge!!  
We went to the zoo in September...Here are some pictures of the great time we had.  Also, You can see how big the kids are getting.  We can't get over it!

Taylor had a school program had the most halarious thing happened...let me try to get a video clip on here...
lWe thought it was funny!  So did she!
Landen is loving Preshcool!  I think its good for him.  And It gives me one on one with Kassi. She gets picked on alot!  But then again they play pretty well together.  We all can't believe she is going to be 2!!
I am having fun with the business.  It hasn't quite taken off yet but its slow and steady.  
Right now Brett and I are having fun making photo puzzles.  I think its the best Idea yet!!

If anyone is interested email me a photo at  They 15-20 piece puzzles come in a cute lunchbox tin that is labeled with the photo and name (if you want)  Really great gifts for $15.00.

We will ship it to you all you outta staters!!

Hope everyone is doing well.  Thanks for your support!  
~Kindra and Family

Friday, August 15, 2008

Farm Girl

Taylor is sure having fun on Grandma and Grandpa's Farm!  My dad taught her how to drive the jeep (stick shift)...9 years Old!!!  What am I going to do??
She is having so much fun!  All I can say is...It took me a month to learn my first stick shift!  AHH!

Monday, August 4, 2008

We had a fun time the other night "Looking for Cool Rocks"  above our neighborhood.  We headed up there to take a picture of the sunset but as you can see, we didn't make it in time!  ha ha
Brett and the kids found some pretty neat rocks though.  Then they played in a giant sand pile.  
Don't worry, they had a shower when they got home!

Fishin' Trip

Brett and his dad, "Grandpa Dennis", took Landen fishing at Deer Creek on Saturday morning.
Landen was a trooper!  He got right up when we woke him up at 5:50 am.  Then he said, "whoa, you guys scared me!  Why are you wakin' me up when its this light out!"  We had the talk the night before about how it will be dark outside when we wake him up.  So obviously thats what he noticed when his eyes popped open.  I thought it was cute.
They didn't catch anything but hooked a "big one" and lost it.  Landen entertained himself with soda and beef jerky.  Then he napped a bit in his dad's lap on the boat.  They saw the Heber Creeper too!  That was fun for Landen as well!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

These two are a handful!

Kassi is becoming a little person with a mind of her own!  She is talking alot!  She can even say Dinosaur!! She puts 2 and 3 words together.  Then it turns in to Kassi Language.  Ha Ha.  Now we are trying to get Landen and Kassi to "share".  It's been hard!  Luckily we have Taylor to help referee.  Sorry I haven't kept the blog up.  I am soooo busy with the new business.  I named it Enlightened Memories.  Hopefully I will have a website to kick off soon.
Take Care Everyone!