Friday, January 25, 2008

Anne Frank

For the past couple weeks, Taylor has been working on a report on Anne Frank. She worked very hard (the last couple of days) and had her Wax Museum today with the entire 3rd grade. We Are very proud of her! Mom, Dad, Kassi and Landen were very impressed with all the neat costumes and poster boards all the kids made of everyone from Benjamin Franklin and Lance Armstrong to Shirley Temple and Amelia Earhart. It was a neat experience for all of us!

Taylor's 2nd Game

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Catching up on Christmas

Kassi loves her new Pony!

The Undie Crusader!!
Our Girls! This was taken just before Christmas. They played with the boxes for hours!

A Long Day at Ikea!!


Poor Landen has been sick since last week. On top of that, we gave him a dose of Ibuprofen and he broke out in serious Hives!! He is better today! Finally!!

Hot Chocolate!

Here is a video of me Kassi singing the Hot Chocolate song from Polar Express! Accept I can't hear the sound, she just says Hot over and over again.

Chalk Board

Kassi has discovered crayons and chalk. She loves to eat them...and draw with them. Here is a picture of her and her crazy hair, drawing on the chalk board.

Party Time!

Kassi went to her first friend birthday party. She had fun with all the little girls, and doggies! One of them kept licking her face, one of the dogs I mean! I don't have a picture of that though.

A Toddler

Kassi is doing all sorts of new things! She loves books and playing with her brother and sister. She is getting prettier every day! You can really see her little toung in this picture! She uses it to tell us she wants to eat or when she is "Playing Kitchen" with Tay and Landen they "pretend to eat". She is good at pretending!